October 30, 2014


As I lay in bed, completely exhausted from being up with a teething baby the night before, I am comforted and saddened at the same time. My little boy is laying next to me, happy as can be. He's grabbing at everything he can....my shirt, my arm, my hair, my face... But I am reminded of one small thing...we will never have this exact moment ever again.  Of course this is true in so many things, but regardless, its sad sometimes to think about. Never again will his hands be so amazingly interesting to him as they are this morning. Never again (although there will be many sleepless nights) will last night be like last night. As he nurses this morning and he looks up at me with those big beautiful slate green eyes, I secretly hope that he doesn't grow up anymore! 😉 but that hope quickly changes to anticipation for him to be able to wake up and enjoy morning giggles with his sisters. Parenthood is sometimes hard and I feel like we all have moments that we wish would just pass. And although last night I wished desperately that this teething would just come and go, somehow with one little look from him, I am reminded that every day my kids are growing and if I am always wanting the hard moments to come and go, I won't fully be able to enjoy all the sweet moments that come along with a baby who doesn't want to sleep. The cuddles. The giggles. The hugs. The glances of appreciation from his sweet little face as I nurse him back to sleep. I guess if I have to feel exhausted to appreciate the little moments more, then bring on the coffee! 

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