August 18, 2014

I will make you pancakes forever

Every morning the girls wake up, and I ask them, "What sounds good for breakfast?" Today when I asked Emma she said with excitement, "PANCAKES!!!" I have to admit, normally I would say ok and get right to making them, usually with both the girls help, but today I cringed at the idea. The kitchen was a disaster and the dishes needed to be done probably at least 4 times. I looked at her sleepy eyes, her hair all ratted and her pajamas all twisted on her little body and asked, "How about pancakes tomorrow? Without hesitation she looked at me and said, "ok! How about cereal? How about corn pops!?"
 I said, "Sure!" Tonight I stayed up just to clean the kitchen so we can have pancakes in the morning. Her eyes will still be sleepy in the morning and her hair will still be ratted. She will most likely have her shirt twisted around her body but when she sees pancakes in the morning she will smile and her eyes will light up. She will most likely say, "This is the best breakfast ever!", which is something she says when she really likes whatever food I made that particular meal. It's the perfect way to start my day! If I could start my day with "the best breakfast ever", lit up eyes, smiley faces, and full bellies for something as simple as pancakes, I will make you pancakes forever! 


Fall is Near

I can feel the cooler weather coming.  I can picture the leaves changing colors. Each season has its beauty; its challenges.  Through the ch...