Well, We have made it to 8 weeks. I can't believe it. Only a few more weeks to go and then the 1st trimester is over and done with. I will feel so much more relieved when I can get into my next appointment and see how big the baby has got so far. Sorry that I haven't posted the picture of the first ultra sound. I have been lazy. Surprise surprise?! I have been sleeping as much as possible and it always seems to slip my mind about finding a place to scan it and post it. Well, the baby is the size of a kidney been and I'm feeling more and more pregnant as days go on. Well, at least the fatigue is killing in and well and the soreness of my body. Last night I tried to go to bed early and the whole night I just tossed and turned and I think I probably woke up a total of ten times. I was having weird dreams and then I would wake up and it would take for ever to get comfy enough to sleep again. Working @ US Bank has made my life so much easier though. The branch that I am working at gets busy, but nothing like how the Mall got busy. People don't seem to be in such a rush either, mostly because they want everything in their account to be right so they don't want to mess you up. I love having just a work week of 5 days on and 2 days off. Sometimes @ BBW I would work 7, 9, or even 10 days straight sometimes, depending on the situation. I also alway know when I am suppose to be getting off, and I can make plans for the weekend in a second or plan ahead, because I ALWAYS have them OFF!!!
On a more important note, because I am so tired, the house work is a slacking. So if you know anybody who wants to come over and clean and de-clutter my house probably for 2 or 3 days. Let me know. I might not be able to pay them, but I will cook for them whatever they want. Which is return will only make more work for them, but you know what I mean. lol!
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