Today Sean and I went to the doctor. We didn't really do/see/or hear all that much. We did get to hear the heart beat. It was soooo funny because Sean didn't know he was going to be hearing it. When the Doc put the microphone thing on my stomach, he said, "did you just fart" I laughed so hard I couldn't stop. And the noise it made when I was laughing just made me laugh harder I think. Anyway, we hear the heartbeat and it was nice and strong. Got some medical history stuff out of the way, took some blood, and, we made two more appointments. One on the 10th of September and then another on October 1st. I think the 1st is the day that we will find out the sex. We are going to record it and also do a 3D ultrasound during that time. It will be so exciting and I can't wait to find out if we are going to have a boy or a girl.
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