March 5, 2013

The Problem With Sleeping

    I'm sure you read the title of this article and thought, "Seriously?!?!? What mom in her right mind would have a problem with sleeping?" Well I do, or should I say, my children do! :) Trying to find the right sleep schedule and how much sleep they should have is never easy. Sometimes they fight me and sometimes the fall asleep but wake up screaming for an hour or more, not wanting to go back to sleep.
     This is the case for my two girls. Naptime and bedtime have never come easy in this house. I try my hardest to stick to a schedule, but its not always easy. Right now is even harder because my oldest sleeps less at night and only 1 nap during the day, and my youngest sleeps two times during the day and more at night than her sister. Not to mention my oldest has gymnastics twice a week during times when the youngest might be sleeping. Now if they didn't share a room I would say this is no problem, but they do... so you can see where this is a cause for concern. Sharing a room is not easy all the time, but it IS a great space saver in our small home.
   I'm sure naptime, bedtime, or daily schedules is something every parent has to deal with at some point, but if you are like me, it gets rather annoying! :) Luckily, there are many tools that help with this problem that I'm having. If you have it too check out On how much sleep my child should get. It helps me a lot when trying to find the right schedule and gives lots of helpful advice as well. Its not perfect, but it is a great start!

Oh, and if you have been reading my other posts the bagels turned out AMAZING! I'm very proud of myself :)

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