At 19 weeks we found out that we were having a beautiful baby girl!!! When we were in the ultrasound room, and the doctor told us that it was a girl, I looked right at Sean with a question of what he was going to do. He looked at me and said, "I knew it was going to be a girl!" Later that day we were having lunch and I told him I was sorry he wasn't getting the little boy he wanted so badly. He smirked a little and just said its ok, I have like 2 or 3 more tries to get a boy out of you! Our little girls name is Emma Rose Johnson. Emma is my great grandma's name from my mom's side and Rose is a name that has been carried on through most of the women in my dad's side, in some way shape or form. I think @ first Sean was a little disappointed, but as time goes on he's more and more excited. Here are the pictures that we got from the ultrasound.

Above: The picture on the left is as if she is sitting on a piece of glass with her legs are opened and you are looking from underneath. The one on the right is a picture of her leg extended. Its really cool because you can see all the tiny bones forming and you can even see her foot if you follow her leg to the top left side of the picture.

These are the 3D pictures that we got of her. The first one is her with her thumb in her mouth. I swear she had it in her mouth almost the whole time. And when it wasn't in her mouth it was up by her face, just like in the second picture where her arm is up by the side of her face. It was really funny because she didn't want to put it down AT ALL. The doctor was getting frustrated cuz she wanted to get a better shot of her, but Emma was not having it. I think she is going to be stubborn just like her mommy AND daddy.
We are now at the 20 weeks mark! Waaahooo!!! I can't believe that we are half way through already. I also can't believe that I have to wait another 20 weeks just to see her. I know the time will seem to go by fast with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas on its way, but I want to see her now...lol! All I know is that when she does come she is going to be the most love little girl around here.
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