Well, I feel like the first trimester is going to feel very much like this!!! Today I pretty much woke up @ 9:00 am and my noon I was back to bed with Olive and
we took a 2 hour nap. This part was pretty awesome, but @ 4:15 I got ready to take a shower because I have to be at work at 5:30. When I went to the bathroom low and behold I had more spotting. It drives me crazy!! I didn't do anything I wasn't suppose to be doing today and I hadn't spotted for 4 days and this. SO, of course I called my Dr. and the on call Doctor was suppose to call me back, but of course they didn't. I didn't have any more spotting the rest of the day, nor did I have any prior to that. However, I am going to call again tomorrow to see if she wants to see me or not. Its frustrating because they never told me that this would be happening a lot or if it was a big deal if it happened again. I just wish I knew what to expect, but I guess nobody knows what really to expect when expecting. Even the Books don't tell you everything, and those who have had children can't even tell you what to expect because every pregnancy is different. I think that's why I want to bang my head against the wall. I wish things could be a little simpler. Is that so much to ask?
i hope everything goees ok and its is just a little bit of spotting and ur drs fix it and u have a georgous NEICE for me lol. the less u stress the best!!!! ttyl love u all