Pregnancy is a wonderful thing, but also very scary at the same time. On our trip to Las Vegas, I had some VERY light bleeding. So I called my doctor here in Oregon and was told to go to an ER as soon as possible to get examined because it could be a threatened miscarriage. So I went to the ER and spent like 5 hours there and did a urine test, a blood test, an ultra sound, and a pelvic examine in that order and then we had to wait 2-3 hours for the lab results. Then I had to go back to the hospital on Saturday to give more blood to make sure things were progressing. The hospital was so lame and wouldn't give me my results even though I was leaving for Oregon on that day. If I was having a miscarriage, I wouldn't get on a plane to fly back to Oregon, I would stay there and make sure that I was ok first. So I called my family doctor here and he got the results for me and the results were good. My HCG (pregnancy hormone) was 1711 on Thursday and 2 days later on Saturday is was 3946. It more than doubled which meant the placenta was growing. I was put on light duty and still am for pretty the rest of the week. I go to my first OB appointment on July 24th, and hopefully Sean will be able to go with me. I will 9 weeks pregnant at that time, and we should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. It is going to be so exciting. We might even be able to see the baby for the first time since he/she should be the size of a grape by then :0)
This week the baby is the size of a sesame seed and sometime this week Taz will have a heartbeat. Taz doesn't really look like a baby yet, more

like a tadpole. My boobs are very sore and I can pretty much take a nap anytime that I want.
i hope everything goes well...and i wonder y i am ur only follower?
ReplyDeletesorry i dont know what url to use lol but u know its hollie lol