March 27, 2013

Flu/Cold Season-I loath you!

    I'm not sure about you other moms out there, but this mama hates cold and flu season. This year was by far the easiest, yet hardest I have ever had. How can you have an easy and hard cold season all rolled in to one you ask? Well, myself, my husband and my 3 year old all just got a cold. No big deal right? Right! Then my 6 month old got a cold also and her little body just couldn't handle it so well.
     We ended up in the emergency room with a baby who could hardly breathe and a fever of 140.3. Scary right!? After close observation, breathing treatments, tylenol, and ibuprofen, lost of rest and we have one healthy baby again! I couldn't be happier!
   This is a short post, but here is my tip for you all. The best, safest way to sanitize toys after you have some sick kids is VINEGAR! just mix a spray bottle with equal parts water and vinegar. Lay all your children's toy out once they go to bed and spray away! Let dry over night :) its much safer than bleach  in any form! Best of luck to you all... Luckily this years cold and flu season is almost over!


Fall is Near

I can feel the cooler weather coming.  I can picture the leaves changing colors. Each season has its beauty; its challenges.  Through the ch...