My Dear Child,
In a few days you will start the next chapter of your life. As you embark on your newest journey I want you to know a few things.
1. You are loved. You are so loved beyond any kind of measure. People you may not even know love you so much they ask me about you all the time. They listen intently curious to find out what your newest likes and dislikes are. I love you more than you could ever think. From the moment God blessed us with you I have loved you with my whole self. On the day you were born, my heart had to grow larger in order to contain the love I have for you. Often times it still pours out in the form of laughter, kisses, silly moments, and yes, even tears.
2. Things will not always go as planned. There will be failures and struggles. There will be broken hearts, hurt feelings, and maybe even broken friendships. People will come and go in your life and when you feel like things just can’t get any worse, remember #1. Surround yourself with that love. Come and cry on my shoulder and tell me all of your heart. I will be there. I will love you. And you will persevere! You can accomplish anything.
3. Change can be scary but there is light in the end. You told me today you didn’t want things to change. You told me the same thing last year. Don’t worry about the things you can’t conttrol. Find what lights up your life. Explore new things. All good journeys start out a little scary.
4. LOVE YOURSELF. You are exactly who God wants you to be. Stop second guessing everything you do, say, or feel. Start loving yourself for who you are not who you think you should be.
Each spring/summer we continuely embark on new beginnings. It’s not always easy but if you remember those things you will find happiness within yourself. You will find than there isn’t anything that comes your way that you can’t handle. And remember you never ever have to do it alone.
I love you,
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