June 13, 2014

Slowing down and enjoying the view

    It's been a long time since I've updated my blog. So much has happened in the last year and a half....almost 2 really! I've said goodbye to family members who have moved and some who have died, and I've said hello and welcome to our newest addition, Parker, a beautiful baby boy born in April.  
     Now that I'm a mom of three, I have to admit, things have started off a little rockier than I had imagined. I thought I could be super mom and do it all! Not saying that I still can't, but I have come to the realization (7weeks in)  that things are really going to have to change!  As much as I want to be one if those mom's with a super clean house and no piles of laundry and not a zillion things on her to do list, that's just not me! I tried and tried for the last few weeks and it just didn't work! Not only was I running around pulling my hair out because the house wasn't clean when my husband got home, but my kids were suffering too. Frustration starts to set in on all the things I'm not getting done and inadvertently my stress was being taken out on my two oldest, not to mention there was little quality time being spent with any if my children or husband!  So it's time for me to sit down, make some new ACHIEVABLE goals, a flexible time line, and a firm understanding that my husband and three kids are more important than the stack of laundry that needs to be put away or the dirty dishes or any other household chore. It can wait until sleepy eyes are resting and some time has been spent with the man I love! 

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